DarkWorld Created with Worldcraft by Disruptor (Christian Antkow) cant@softchoice.com Released: Sunday, September 22nd, 1996 Notes: ------ This is a DM only map. I'm learned alot about making "proper" Quake maps with this map, and its going to be *ALOT* of work to correct alot of the problems with it. So I've decided to release it as is. Don't complain about slowness in some of the areas. I know. I'm going to be redoing this map entirely the "proper" way. Stay tuned to Stomped.com in the coming weeks as I unveil "The "Official" Quake Editing Tips Page" with the help of American McGee of id Software. Also, you'll notice there's no health or armour on this map =) It promotes good DM play =) *DON'T* send me e-mail asking how I did the traps and what not. I'll be revealing everything on the new page at Stomped soon. There's been alot of demand for me releasing this map, so I just up and decided to release it as is. Cheers, -Christian (Disruptor)