====================================================================== Name: DeathTower Filename: Deathtow.bsp Author: CiderMan http: "http://www.aston.ac.uk/~landermj/games. E-mail: landermj@aston.ac.uk Misc. Auther Info: Bored. Build Time: 3 weeks, 'cos it kept crashing and I had to learn how to make these map things. This is my first level in Quake, expect to see more soon. By the same author: Punk.wad - a cool doom2 one player level Respect to: Id software and the makers of Quest Disrespect to: gouldpm@aston.etc - you know why ====================================================================== Instructions: You should know by now! copy the file deathtow.bsp to your "c:\quake\id1\maps" directory. If you don't have a maps directory then make one. type "quake +map deathtow" at the dos prompt, or load quake normaly and type "map deathtow" in the console. ====================================================================== Story: No I think not. Description: Deathmatch Quake level, Designed for small numbers of players (2-4) although probably quite good for larger numbers. High frame rate on my P100 with 32MB. loads of trendy lighting and scripts and stuff and I put some effort into linig up some of the textures but you probably wont notice, you'l be to busy killing each other! One player: Yeah, but there are no monsters. Coop play: NO NEVER Why waste time being freinds and "cooperating" (ugh!) when you could be killing each other! Deathmatch 2-4 players: Yep. Deathmatch 5+ players: Yep, Not tested. Editors used: Quest (1.041-1.081) The best and I've tried 'em all ======================================================================= Download from: "http://www.aston.ac.uk/~landermj/deathtow.zip" Permissions: I'm an undecided as to whether this is finnished so don't do anything to it for now. its like copyright 1996 CiderMan. Notes: This level is optimised for playing with the DEFTONES CD "Adrenaline" firmly stuck in your Cd drive and the volume turned up high. (basically "7 Words" is played continually) should you for some reason lack this important bit of kit you may be able to get by with a RATM CD or something similar. should you fail to have anything good in your cd collection, then I guess you could listen to your TakeThat CD if you can still manage ot play Quake with the tears welling in your eyes after their splitting up (HA!HA!HA!HA!) Visit The Hardsoft Web page at "http://www.aston.ac.uk/~tuttlepi/hardsoft.html" 'cos I'm a member of this cool company.