KSHOUSE.BSP (Kansas House) by Aaron Hanson (ByToR) kshouse.zip should contain: kshouse.bsp (the map) kshouse.pcx (a screenshot of part of the map) kshouse.txt (this file) Directions on how to use: 1) Unzip the archive 2) If you haven't already, create a directory called maps in your quake/id1 directory. 3) Copy or move kshouse.bsp into this maps directory. 4) Run Quake. 5) At the console, type map kshouse. 6) Enjoy! Hello, all you frag-heads... I just thought I'd take the time to explain what I was trying to do with this map. It is actually a replica of a house I used to live in in Overlad Park, Kansas. For those of you who happen to know where that is, or live(d) nearby, drop me a line. My contact info is at the bottom of this document. Of course, the textures do not match the original house, really only the architectural aspect of the map is accurate. I created this map for mainly low numbers of players, preferrably 2-4 players in deathmatch. It was finished early in November, 1996. I created it to be used by my roommates and next door neighbors, on our IPX line between our PC's, here in an apartment complex at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. We have tons of fun in this map, with 2 players. I hope you enjoy the traps and countertraps I have included for your fragging pleasure. Please let me know how you like this map, or any suggestions or questions that you might have. I'm currently working on a completely new, and considerably larger map, with MANY traps, and bits of humor. It is going to be the best, and most fun deathmatch map available. It will easily suit any number of players (even those 16 player games!!!). Look for it on ftp.stomped.com, and perhaps ftp.cdrom.com in the near future. If you want me to notify you when it is released, or get an advanced copy, please send me email, and I will gladly do so. Until then, have fun!!! Contact Information for Aaron Hanson: Questions, Suggestions, etc... aahanson@students.uiuc.edu