================================================================ Title : Rumble Filename : RumbleII.bsp Author : Dennis S. Dollins Email Address : ddollins@ionet.net Description : Deathmatch level. Additional Credits to : My soon to be wife, Karin, for allowing me the time it took to learn the various editors and create the level (and providing the picture for the level). And the people who spent the time creating the editors especially, BSP and its author Yahn Bernier ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Rumble II Single Player : No Cooperative 2-16 Player : No Deathmatch 1-16 Player : Yes (although I recommend a 'bot' program if less than four players.) Difficulty Settings : No (in a DM level?) * Construction * Base : New level Build Time : A few hours Editor(s) used : Quma, Bsp, Quest, Notepad, Wordpad Known Bugs : The 'gray' effect from not having had a full Vis run on it. (I stopped it after 18 hours) A startup error of a non-working light (no class_ name if you want to know. Doesn't effect play) * Level info * This level was inspired by those ridiculous 'pro' wrestling shows. There are two raised platforms in the center, each with four starting locations. The center of each is cut out but is provided with a lift back up. Due to typical bureacratic handling the matter transmitters that send the players into the arenas have been (very) badly main- tained. They've been know to send people into the cheap seating along the outer edge, the VIP balcony seats, the catwalks, even into midair dropping players to their deaths below. Because of the massive influx of blood and gibs into the waters that lay beneath the entire complex, two large drain pipes have been installed which suck the water up to be cleaned. Players have been known to ride the currents up these and use the top of them to blaze down upon both viewers and particpants below. Also there have been reports of rifts in the time space etc, alongside the fighting platforms but these have as yet been unconfirmed. All weapons are available but in very short supply. I personally don't like rocket fests. But if you do then by all means put them in. I just happen to like shotgun battles. The powerups have also been incorporated, two in pretty easily found hiding spots. The third, the Quake power, is a little better hid. (echo sounders seem to have detected a anomoly in one of the posts supporting the platforms.) The girl behind the steel vault door is of course my fiance. What better place for such a treasure than behind 16 inches of solid steel. Other Notes: The level can be jittery on a low end pentium and that's simply because of its wide open spaces. Nothing to do but upgrade I'm afraid. If you have the patience you can try to run a full VIS on it but as I said above, I got tired of waiting after 18 hours and killed it. Knowing what I do about the way such things work, I can't imagine it helping much. The vast majority of the points in this level can see each other. I usually run DM with a altered QuakeC although the level is emminately playable straight. I've implemented falling damage and two of the starting points will and do lead to death upon striking the ground. Its a VERY funny sight to see a player hurtling past you and gib on the ground below. Verra nice. I also limit grenades to a max of ten although with the sparcity of them in the level its not that big a problem. Also I generally have computer "bots" playing alongside the people. Most of that code stolen from the various 'bots' that you can find at cdrom.com. * Legal Stuff * This level design is Copyrighted 1996 by Dennis Scott Dollins All Rights Reserved. I hereby grant permission for its distribution and use as long as this text file stays with the level. I expressly forbid its inclusion in any "Compilation" collections that are to be made avaialbe in the retail market or for which a fee other than a nominal media cost is charged. In other words, trade it to your hearts content but if it shows up on "1000 new levels for Quake! only 19.95" then I'm gonna be pissed. If you use it as a base for a level of your own design, then I politely request that you grant me some kind of credit in your own author text. * Where to get this WAD * FTP: ftp.cdrom.com (I hope) and anywhere else good levels hang out. * Author Info * My name is Dennis Dollins, I'm over 30 and I've been playing games all my life, whether on a C-64, C-128, Amiga 500, Amiga 2000 IBM PC, Pencil and Paper. And although it breaks no real ground, Quake is the closest thing to real world creation so far.