Silo of Death......... You awaken. The ugly grayness, formed from pure nothing, is gone. You are clothed in a soldiers armor. You are clutching a shotgun, and a bloody axe. How the blood got there, you don't know. You notice that the dweller of the grayness, the Lord JAB, has erected a staircase. Standing up, you also realize that he has erected a pit of lava. As you climb the staircase, you realize that this "world" could hold many people! Suddenly, shots ring out. Above you, rockets explode. You see the whole top of this Silo is open. Climbing higher, you find an elevator that takes you to the top. Once on top, you see utter chaos. Below you is a whole network of catwalks. Strewn amongst them is weapons, and dead bodies. You breath a tired sigh. You're gonna have to battle that hell, because the Lord JAB has put you in it!!!!! FTP info below: Level Name: Silo of Death File Name: silo.bsp Author: JAB Previous works: Plats.bsp Editor used: WorldCraft (you have my repsect, Ben.) Description: Haven't you been reading, foolish mortal! Single player: No man should die alone.......... D-Match: Yes Co-Op: Teams are signs of weakness amongst the soldiers........... Other Thanks: Mitch Larson (death), Id software, the Gods of that blank gray. Enjoy while you can for DEATH awaits you.................