Levels by Jamey David Lazarus at HiMyPeople@AOL.com Special Thanks to id Software, you guys are amazing! ------------------- A Test Trilogy v1.0 ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- This is a Trilogy (I think the first of it's kind) of hacked versions of Test1, test2, and Test3 levels. These levels are made to be FUN, not hard. I made each level actually FINISHABLE!!! Instead of what some other people have done. I believ QUAKE should be fun, and my idea of fun aint dieing every five seconds. DON'T GET ME WRONG, these levels aren't very easy either, and they get progressively harder. You may be able to beat level 1, but 2 is waiting. --------------------------------------------------------- ---------- *CONTENTS* ---------- This Text File Another Text File Called (TarVomit.txt) 3 Thingy Levels Called (1.THG, 2.THG, and 3.THG) VOMITUS.mdl --------------- *What You Need* --------------- The Awesome Thingy program An UNPAKing program Quake Test Run IBM PC ----------------- *How To Use This* ----------------- 1: UNPAK ID1.PAK. 2: Delete ID1.PAK. (Back it up first.) 3: UPTHING maps by typing UPTHING, and then MAP name. 4: Add maps to MAPS directory in you QUAKE directory. 5: Add VOMITUS.MDL to your PROGS Directory. (Might wanna back it up first) 6: Add PLYRDTH3.WAV to your Sounds\Halo\Player directory. (Back this up too) 7: Add any SOLDIER.MDL file you have to your PROGS Directory. (Again, back up!) 8: Run Quake, and enjoy. ______________________________________________________ --------- *LEVEL 1* --------- Bunch of Soldiers, (add your favorite texture.) 2 or 3 Ogre's 2 Wizards --------- *Level 2* --------- Meet Mr. Knight, and his friends... Bunch of Soldiers More Ogre's Wizards here and there. Also, Vomitus is in there. (If you don't mind the wireframe of Vomitus, then good luck, but I included my own texture TarVomit.ZIP. It will make those Wireframe blues go away!) --------- *Level 3* --------- FISH in the WATER!!! (I copied the position of the fish from a level I saw, sorry I didn't mention your name, I accidently deleted your level) A wizard here and there. Soldier Guys everywhere Knights everywhere Ogre's everywhere _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ PLease tell me if you like these levels, it is my first attempt. E-Mail me at HiMyPeople@AOL.com. If you find any problems with the level, TELL ME!!! If you thought the level was to hard or easy, TELL ME!!! If you see satanic messages in the level telling you that you should kill your family, chop them up, and put them in your freezer, DON'T TELL ME!!! Remember, HiMyPeople@AOL.com __________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Also check out these other Items comming soon from yours truelly* ------------------------------------------------------------------ My Amazing Levels From Scratch. They should be good. All I need is an idiot proof level editor. (WHERE IS DCK WHEN I NEED IT!!!) New Textures, with altered wireframes. New Sounds that blow away Quakes. (All I need is Nine Inch Nails) and... QUAKE, the registered edition... JUST KIDDING, Id Software already has dibs on that. Sorry Id, don't sue me. Thank you for trying me. you wont be dissapointed, I think. Remember, if you like my hacked levels, TELL ME PLEASE. ------------------------------- *Please don't do these things.* ------------------------------- Sell this. (LAME) Alter this for evil purposes. (Wierd) Print this out and give someone a paper cut. (Bizzare) If you wish to alter this document, or enclose files from these documents into other documents, contact me first. ------------------- *Special Thanks To* ------------------- The guy who made THINGY. The guy who made the UNPAK program The guy who made that fish level I forgot the name to The guy who made QUAKEDIT.ZIP The guys at id Software This is the longest TEXT file I ever made, EVER!!! ---------------- *BONUS QUESTION* ---------------- How many times did my Internet Address show up in this document???