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Planning Ahead

Most tourists come to Austria between June and August, when it is warmest, though the weather in late spring and early autumn is usually pleasant, if a little damp, and there are fewer crowds to contend with then. Climatically, Austria is mostly a temperate country. Much of the country is over 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) high, and at this altitude the thermometer frequently plays tag with Jack Frost—even in spring and autumn. In the lowlands, Austria rarely becomes uncomfortably hot.

High season depends on your itinerary. Snow begins in late November and continues through May in the higher regions, and peak times for skiers run from December through April. Many ski resorts and hotels close down during some or most of the warmer months. For city touring, any time is fine, but beware that in July and August, Salzburg is inundated with music lovers who come each year to its famous festival. During all the major holidays—Christmas, New Year, Easter—throngs invade the cities and popular ski spots.