
So fascinatingly different that no one should fail to visit here, even if you're not buying. Lots of one-of-a-kind treasures, as this is a showcase for local artisans. Make a beeline for the impressive alabaster collection. There are magnificent pieces in semiprecious stones, such as malachite, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, and other specimens. The most arresting articles in their vast array are the gorgeous original mosaics, created for the shop by the last pair of great Florentine mosaicists living, Maestro Marco Tacconi and Maestro Metello Montelatici. Proprietor Umberto Balatresi and his wife, Giovanna, are totally trustworthy. Safe shipment is made anywhere in the world.

Lungarno Acciaiuoli 22R

Telephone: +39 (55) 28-78-51