Santa Maria del Popolo

Santa Maria del Popolo is one of the most important churches for art in Rome. Much of the interior was decorated by Pinturicchio, including a series of mosaics along the apse ceiling. The chapel left of the apse explodes with Early Baroque energy. Opposite each other are two Caravaggio masterpieces from 1601. On the right, The Conversion of St. Paul isolates the saint in spiritual light at the moment of his religious experience; The Crucifixion of St. Peter, though dramatic with its diagonal composition, is realistic as only Caravaggio could be—from the dirt on the saint's feet to the fear on his face. The Chigi Chapel was designed by Raphael, but completed by Bernini; note the floor mosaic of Death as a skeleton.

The square outside the church, the Piazza del Popolo, is a showcase of High Baroque urban design. In the center is the 3,000-year-old Flaminian Obelisk, on a pedestal embellished by lions spouting water from their mouths. Three churches with dramatic façades front onto the square. Newly illuminated and now car-free, the piazza is captivating at night

Piazza del Popolo

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