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Hotels (Overview)

There is an enormous number of hotels in Rome, running the full gamut of price ranges. Many hotels cluster around the Piazza di Spagna and the nearby Via Veneto, an area with the most exclusive shops, the museums of the Villa Borghese, and many restaurants. (Be warned: Although most of this area is incredibly chic, the Via Veneto during late night hours has become a bit sleazy.) Far fewer can be found in the historic heart of Rome, around the Pantheon and the Piazza Navona, though new hotels have opened recently in this most picturesque area that also happens to include some of the best restaurants and trattorias. All of these areas are linked by good public transport and taxis, and most are even within walking distance of each other. If you can't find a room in any of these hotels, try the Vatican or neighboring Prati district, where there are a number of good hotels, and where a walk across the Tiber can bring you into the center of things. For apartment rentals, check the biweekly publications Wanted in Rome and Metropolitan, found at newsstands and bookstores.

Reservations are a must at any time of year, since Rome's tourist season spills over into early spring and late fall, and religious holidays, with their attendant pilgrimages, fill in the gaps. Only late November/early December, as well as February, are somewhat off-season. In the summer, you'll probably find air-conditioning essential, if not for the heat, then for the noise. Although most of these hotels are in areas with restricted traffic, the voices of those dining outside, or even the sudden blast of a moped, can keep you awake.