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Health & Safety

Though not as dangerous as many American cities, Rome does have its share of thieves and most especially pickpockets. Be watchful around the P. della Repubblica and BAD LINKStazione Termini, and on congested buses. Beware of the Gypsy children and begging women—one distracts you with a newspaper or doll, the other picks your pocket. Really the best protection is prevention—use a money belt, or put your money in unexpected places, such as inside jackets or grocery bags, not in pants pockets. Watch out, too, for bag snatchers who operate on mopeds. Never leave valuables in a vehicle, even if locked.

Women need to be attentive, especially if not traveling with a male. In a city as large and anonymous as Rome, Latin lovers and Lotharios seem to be even more common than elsewhere in Italy, and are sometimes more persistent than in smaller centers.