Madonna dell'Orto

Considered the finest Gothic church in Venice, the Madonna dell'Orto is notable for the paintings it contains. Tintoretto lived in the parish and is buried here, and some of his most dramatic works are displayed here. Among his paintings for the church are Presentation of the Virgin and a Michelangelesque Last Judgment. Also here is a beautiful St. John the Baptist and Saints by Cima de Conegliano. Just east on Fondamento Contarini, decorating merchants' houses, are a few relief panels, one of a man leading his camel.

Travelers may want to visit the church for reasons of self-protection, as this church was once dedicated to St. Christopher, and a statue of him graces the portal. Also, the statue of the Madonna, supposedly unearthed in the garden in the 15th century and for which church is named, is said to have miraculous powers.

Campo Madonna dell'Orto, Cannaregio

Telephone: +39 (41) 71-99-33