Corte Sconta

Calle del Pestrin, Castello 3886

Telephone: +39 (41) 522-7024

If the weather is good, take a table under the arbor in the courtyard at Corte Sconta and let the enthusiasm of the owner (English spoken) help you plan your meal, for here there's no written menu, only the catch of the day. The antipasto di pesce always includes some of the house delicacies, like the traditional baccala mantecato (incredibly good), as well as the tiniest and sweetest clams in lemon and oil, a morsel of delicate spider crab or other crustaceans, and a variety of marinated dishes, from shrimp with herbs to octopus with roe. You can follow this feast with the fish for the day, maybe the triglie (red mullet) in lemon sauce and whole peppercorns, the tenderest calamari fritti, or just about the best spaghetti alle vongole you can imagine.


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