============================================================================= Pop-Tunes Ad Lib Inc, July 1988 ============================================================================= IMPORTANT If you are executing from a floppy disk drive, use the /A parameter when loading Pop-Tunes. If this parameter is not present, Pop-Tunes may occasionally have problems opening some of the files it uses. A> POPTUNES /A or... C> a:POPTUNES /A Always load Pop-Tunes before other Ad Lib software so that Pop-Tunes can set-up the larger buffer that it uses. Otherwise, the sound driver buffer may be too small to accept the tunes you wish to play. ============================================================================= Incompatibilities (version 1.0) -------------------------------- The following is a list of programs which are known to be partially or entirely incompatible with Pop-Tunes. - chkdsk 100% incompatible. If you execute it while Pop-Tunes is installed, your computer will hang. - Microsoft Quick C Execute Pop-Tunes with the option /X if you plan to use the Quick C editor. - Using a mouse Do not move your mouse while Pop-Tunes is active as this may modify your screen when you return to the application. - Animation games Animation games often use the clock, which could cause either the game or Pop-Tunes to slow down. Also note that several games developers will be supporting our card in the near future, in which case Pop-Tunes should not be used because of conflicts accessing the card. - MGA card (Hercules) Will not work in graphics mode. No problem with text screens. - EGA graphics screens If Pop-Tunes is activated while you are in one of the EGA graphics modes, a reduced screen will appear in the top, left hand corner. This screen will be slightly different and the help screens will not be available. If the application program has programmed the EGA card directly, Pop-Tunes may be displayed with unusual color combinations (i.e. white on white) and the application screen's colors may be changed when you exit Pop-Tunes. Your screen will return to normal the next time the application program refreshes the screen. Avoid activating Pop-Tunes while a program is writing an image on the screen. Wait until the screen is quiet. If you wish to use the regular Pop-Tunes screen, you may be able to switch to a CGA mode depending on your graphics card and the application you are running.