Boot Camp My name is Ryan Morozoff. This is one of many .PUD's I've made. This .PUD is my best one.Boot Camp took me about 4 hours to make. It took me about 2 and a half hours to actually finish the .PUD in the Custom Scenario mode in Warcraft II. All the unit properties are set at default as well as the sounds.This .PUD is meant for a single player game. Description The Blackrock Clan and the Bleeding Hollow Clan have set up training grounds on an island, west of Azeroth. The Orcs demolished almost all of the town of Balor, capturing all the men left after the battle (who will likely be executed or tortured by the ruthless orcs). Blackrock Clan (red) have orders to train Death Knights and Ogre Mages. Bleeding Hollow Clan (green) have orders to train Troll Axe-Throwers, Goblin Sappers, Ogres and Grunts. All the trainee's must wear yellow. Another portal has been opened with the combined magic powers of the Death Knights and Ogre-Mages, to add to the Human's grief. You are ordered to find the ransacked town and rebuild Balor. You must train an army and destroy the Orcish Boot Camps, and most importantly the 2nd Dark Portal.