ADD HISTORY HELP FILE OPERATIONS: 1) ADD Enter "A" then auto skip to date Enter date in format MMDDYY Enter drawing numbers without spaces or dashes. PRESS or CLICK "OK" command button to update. 2) INSERT Enter "I" then enter REC # at the left of the drawing data at the top of the screen. The new data will be inserted AHEAD of the record # you specified. PRESS or CLICK "OK" command button to update. 3) UPDATE Enter "U" then enter the REC # at the left of the line at the top of the screen you want to update. The old data will be refreshed in the date and drawing data at the bottom. Either OVERTYPE with the new data or go to the end of the data, and use the BACKSPACE key to erase up to the point you want to change. PRESS or CLICK "OK" command button to update. 4) DELETE Enter "D" - followed by the REC # at the left of the line at the top of the screen you want to delete. PRESS or CLICK "OK" command button to update. 5) EXIT Enter "E" - followed by SAVE to finish this screen. 6) PAGE UP Press this key to view past history going backwards. 7) PAGE DOWN Press this key to view past history going forwards. NOTE: If you try to EXIT or CANCEL out of this screen after entering data, the system will remind you to save your work - PRESS or CLICK the SAVE command button to exit this screen.