"The Music Book v0.5" by Charles K. Snider "The Music Book" is a ToolBook application that requires the runtime version of Toolbbok. It's purpose is simple - a flat file database for organizing one's collection of recorded music. I've tried to make this book as simple as possible, while retaining some "neat" features. After opening the book, bypass the start-up screen by selecting Continue or one of the page keys. The fields are self-explanatory: Title, Artist, Label, Year, Format, Catagory, Page No. and Notes. The page number field is fixed to its ordinal position in the book. Features are as follows: File MenuBar - About... - self-explanatory Save - saves the file Exit - exit book Options Menubar - Sort - sort all pages on Artist and Year Add Page - add page to book Delete Page - delete current page; will prompt for confirmation Print Page - print the current page Buttons - Add Page - ditto Flipper! - will flip thru the book until the ESCAPE key is pressed (hard!) Search - Calls the Toolbook search function; window may be positioned to allow full view of the page Arrow Buttons - Sends page next or page previous Other Features - Quarter Notes - play songs via dll link to sound.drv PageUp key - sends next page PageDown key - sends previous page F3 key - switch to Author mode Enjoy, I have some 600 cd's, lp's and cassettes and would be lost without it! The Author password is available for $5.00. Please send all comments, criticism, donations, etc..., to: Charles K. Snider 4630 San Paulo Ct. Lakeland, FL 33813 Compuserv(73730,1315) Toolbook is a registered trademark of Asymetrix Corporation. 05/07/91