Lucas Systems 6-Pack of Windows Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This disk from Lucas Systems contains 6 Windows applications. SnapShot - An easy to use screen capture program. Launcher - A file launch program that allows you to search for files. Runner - A launch program that looks like the Program Manager's Run dialog but is a window, so it is always available. Walker - A minimilistic version of Runner, just the command line, small an unobtrusive. PayOff - calculates the payoff amount of a loan. Red Button - "The get out of Windows quick program". To load the programs us the install program. From within Windows select File/Run in the Program Manager. Type in the path of install and it's name. For example, when running from disk drive A, type A:INSTALL. These programs are all shareware. I invite you to try them all. Specific information for each program is provided with a TXT file and through each program's help section. Lucas Systems 45 Garden Street #4 Boston, MA 02114 CompuServe 74130,2452 Contents of this disk should be the following: ---------------------------------------------- \ Install.exe AppSetup.inf Install.txt \SNAPSHOT SnapShot.exe Rbutton.dll SnapShot.hlp SnapShot.txt \LAUNCHER Launcher.exe Launcher.hlp Launcher.txt \RUNNER Runner.exe Runner.hlp Runner.txt \WALKER Walker.exe Walker.hlp Walker.txt \REDBTN Redbtn.exe Redbtn.hlp Redbtn.txt \PAYOFF Payoff.exe Payoff.hlp Payoff.txt