Hard Disk installer --------------------- Version 1.2 Emotional Conflict installer by Asa Margetts 1995 Firstrate Effex NOTE: Any damage, lost files or any kind of fault from the use of this program I take NO responsability for. You use it at your own risk! This is a quick installer routine I have written. If you have another type of hard disk installer, or file copier, it's best to use that to install "Emotional Conflict" with as it gives far more control. This should only be used as a last resort for beginners. As soon as the program is loaded, it will check for a device name of Dh0:. If it's found, it will copy all of the Emotional Conflict files to your hard disk, including all libraries needed. If you experience any problems with the program, make sure Emotional - Conflict disk is in Df0:, make sure that Dh0: (HD) does exist, and make sure you haven't already installed it by accident (one or more of the files). Hope this program works. I don't have a hard disk, so I had to experiment with the Ram disk.