(logo)  Program 2: External programs

On this settings page, you can configure some external programs to be used by AWeb.


This is the editor command invoked when you click the E> gadget in text area form fields.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your editor command. Argument parameters are:
first %s = file name to edit.
second %s = screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your editor supports opening on a public screen.

Make sure the command will not return until you leave the editor. For some editors, this will need a STICKY or KEEPIO argument.

HTML source viewer

Currently, AWeb relies on an external viewer for the Project / View source menu function.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your source viewer command. Argument parameters are:
first %s = file name to edit.
second %s = screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your viewer supports opening on a public screen.

Note that the default setting, MultiView, will not produce the expected results if you happen to have a HTML datatype installed on your system. In that case, the datatype will show the source as HTML again. If this happens, you should configure another viewer.

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