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ChunKi Walrus Software

ChunKi Walrus Software

Welcome to the ChunKi Walrus Software information page....


ChunKi Walrus Software was formed approximately one year ago, and has already released many items into the public domain...
Previous projects include WORMS levels, Gravity Force II/Gravity Power levels, The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, a selection of Pictures and Animations, and now present perhaps one of our finest ever releases.....The Gillian Anderson Workbench Experience....

This is nearing completion, and will eventually comprise of many Workbench Backdrops, some System Error sounds, an assortment of Icons and also some booting pictures for use with your favourite boot-pic showing program.

When it is finished, you'll be able to see it here first, and get the premier viewing of it, so stay tuned Gillian fans.....

There'll also be a collection of Zoe Ball Workbench Backdrops available, these are also in production.....

"But what of all these other releases?" I hear you roar.....well, they'll be available here too, when this page is finished, you'll be able to download them direct from this very page, or, when we've found the time to upload them, they'll be available from Aminet, and eventually, they'll be on Magazine cover CDs...

The reason why the work rate is so slow is because, well, until recently, ChunKi Walrus Software was just ran by one person (Me), and that, well, I do have other things to do...like er....well..oh, yes, We've just had our Mock GCSEs, and also alot of Coursework...
But hang on....until recently??...Yes, ChunKi Walrus Software have a new member....So everyone say a big "Hello" to Sean Clark!!.. He's also just got online, so you can check out his home page for more information on him....
He has already helped greatly with the production of the Gillian Anderson Workbench Experience, submitting several backdrops, and being our Net Gopher, sniffing out the tastiest Gillian Anderson carrotts....(or something..)

Right, this is where you can download the latest ChunKi Releases....

None of these are available as yet, they'll be up here soon though.....[sorry]

If you would like to be kept informed of ChunKi Walrus products...simply click the button below..

ChunKi Walrus Software consists of:

James Caygill
Sean Clark

Peter Boardman also put in some work on the The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, with his foul PeeCee, luckily Amigas have CrossDos, hehe.

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J.C 97 AMIGA Web page created by James Caygill

This Web site was created entirely on an Amiga 1200 (specs), using a combination of DPaint, Web Plug, B.E.D, GFX-Con and Data Chrome.

All images on these homepages, (excepting the Amy Squirrel pics and company logos) were drawn by me, and thus are ©JamesCaygill1997, if you would like to use them for your own stuff, then E-Mail me

Help me!I'm currently on the look out for a proper web counter and AnimGif creating program, if you know of any that are easy to use, please E-Mail ME.