PD Reviews Index


If you have programmed some fine old software, you may, if you don't mind the possibility of a damn good slating of your finest creation, send it to me. Although there is very little chance of me reviewing it, as, i) With me knowing you and you knowing me, I'm not likely to give my true oppinion for fear of being burnt alive by your tear-stained flames. And ii) I really can't be bothered to have deadlines for my 'work' at the moment (unless you pay me, but that's not very likely). So you might aswell not bother.

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J.C 97 AMIGA Web page created by James Caygill

This Web site was created entirely on an Amiga 1200 (specs), using a combination of DPaint, Web Plug, B.E.D, GFX-Con and Data Chrome.

All images on these homepages, (excepting the Amy Squirrel pics and company logos) were drawn by me, and thus are ©JamesCaygill1997, if you would like to use them for your own stuff, then E-Mail me

Help me!I'm currently on the look out for a proper web counter and AnimGif creating program, if you know of any that are easy to use, please E-Mail ME.