Amiga F1GP Mailing List

As you may have guessed, this mailing list is for people interested in the Amiga version of MicroProse's Formula One Grand Prix. This is meant as a general resource for the Amiga version of F1GP. Most authors of any F1GP related programs/patches are members of this list. So it is highly likely that if you have a question, regarding any aspect of F1GP, it will get answered :-) Other list members include the administrators for the Internet Amiga F1GP Championship and the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame. So you can expect to receive any messages related to these competitions as well. The only rules that govern the list are that messages must be linked with F1GP in some way (obviously) and that no huge binaries are posted to the list (without good reason ;-)

Joining the mailing list

If you would like to receive messages from the mailing list, you will first need to subscribe. This can be done right now by filling in and submitting this form. Alternatively, e-mail a message to and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe amigaf1gp <e-mail address>. You don't need to specify an e-mail address - if you leave it out the address in your message's From: header will be used.

How to send messages to the list

If you want to say something to everybody who is subscribed to the list then simply send the message to Then your message will be sent to everybody who is subscribed to the list - you will also receive a copy of the message (if you've already subscribed to the list, that is ;-).

Unsubscribing from the list

If you no longer want to receive messages from the list then either fill in and submit this form. or send a message to and put the following in the body of the message: unsubscribe amigaf1gp <e-mail address>. The e-mail address parameter is optional - if you leave it out, the address in your message's From: header will be used.


The mailing list is fully automated, but occasionally it may be necessary to request assistance. All queries should be directed to the list administrator (Oliver Roberts).
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