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Kids' Software In General

Name:  Larry Olson
E-Mail:  lolson@emory.edu
Subject:  Kids' Software Directory

A great idea that I'd like to see is a site which has a little description for us time crippled folks who can't go round hunting down every title to see how the kids might like it. A table that indicates various things would be good. Haven't thought it out in detail, but looking for ages, type (game, educational, art, etc), freeware/shareware/commercial, NTSC/PAL and other system requirements(WB version+, flopopy/harddrive, memory etc) source.

Ideally you would have a few hundred programs in a database and you could use one of those gadgets to search by various characteristics and then see a list of programs meeting those features. You'd click on the program name or icon and it would be downloaded. Not too futuristic, a fair bit of work, but important stuff. As it is now the prgorams are just names, and you then need to go hunting round surces like Aminet to find them and discover they aren't quite suitable.

Name:  Heiko Hayn
E-Mail:  hayn@metronet.de
Subject:  First Virtual

I have an idea -
Would it be possible for you to combine all Kid-shareware programmers on your site, so I would be able to pay the shareware fees for the Kidsoft (for example Kid-Stop) from one place via First Virtual or credit card?

Name:  Larry Olson
E-Mail:  lolson@emory.edu
Subject:  Kids' Forum

I think it would be a good idea for you to have a place for owner's and consumers to indicate their desires on your page. Good ideas. Maybe a programmer would pick up on something special.

Name:  Bob Berkey
E-Mail:  erb@nb.net
Subject:  Keeping Kids Interested

Amigas for kids is long overdue..

I have been very frustrated trying to get my Grandchildren( & their parents) interested in the Amiga..

Biggest problem is finding good software that will keep their interest..

If the Amiga was mass merchandised.. and software readily available in the stores this wouldn't be a problem.. (IMHO) The platform didn't get that momentum under C= or any of the successors.. Until it does.. it will never be heavily supported..

Amiga was made for kids.. (of all ages..).

Name:  Frank G. Salvatini
E-Mail:  franksal@megsinet.net
Subject:  Prevention Software

I'm an Assistant Professor of Human Services at the College of DuPage. I feel that there is not enough quality software in the area of Drug Prevention and Awareness either for parents, or the K-12 curriculum. I'm content expert in this area and would welcome working with a programming team to develop such software.

Lemme know...

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