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All the latest from Mystique 27/03/1998

On this page you'll find links to all the main news stories at this site.
Each section of the site has its own news page to keep you updated with the goings-on here at Mystique!

NEW!! 27/03/98 - Made For KiDS Stage Two Complete!
The new folder on the Aminet just for kids now operational! The Mystique website to be the new "Front End" for this great folder! More Info
To celebrate this great achievement, the Kids' Section of the site has now been greatly expanded!

NEW!! 26/03/98 - Incorporation Proceedings Complete!
Yes! We have just completed the incorporation of our Company resulting in greater powers, a stronger financial position and the registration of our Company's full title! Info

14/03/98 - CP Support Site Complete!
The CP Section of the site has been greatly updated in a bid to provide better support for this great product. Features many new pages including a survey for the future of CP! Go to CP Support Site

07/02/98 - Haage&Partner Support Mystique!
To help support our Made For KiDS campaign, Haage&Partner have generously donated a copy of StormC to help us with our developments! Full story.

07/02/98 - New Look Site!
Site's interface and structure completely updated! Read this to find out what has changed, what had been added and why the changes took place!!

28/01/98 - Link To Us!!
Show your support for the Made For KiDS campaign by using one of our specially designed icons to link to this site!!

14/01/98 - Latest News About CP
Want to know what the next version will be like? Go here now!!

13/01/98 - Made For KiDS software title list complete!!
New folder on Aminet - misc/kids imminent!!  News Update.

Amiga16/12/97 - Amiga Sponsors Mystique!!
Check out the details NOW!!

27/11/97 - Many New Sections added to Kids' Pages!
Yes! A major update of the Amiga's Premier Children's Site has been completed. Check the site history for details of what has been added!

01/10/97 - CP Version 0.205 available at this site
Download your copy of the Amiga's greatest Children's Software now!!

The headlines above tell you about the biggest changes to the site. A Lot more goes on though that doesn't warrant its own news story..

Click Here to find out everything that's new at the site - you wouldn't want to miss anything!!

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