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Let's do it!! - Contact Us!
We need YOUR Help!!

We would prefer to be contacted by EMail, but as that isn't always possible details about software will be accepted by post also.

Please print out and fill in the following postal form then send it to the address below.

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Essential Details 

Name of Software : 
Author of Software : 

Author's EMail Address (if any) : 
Author's WWW Address (if any) : 

Where Can You Get The Software? : 
Contact Address/Number : 

Author's Details (Not Essential) 

Address : 

City :  Postcode : 
Country : 

Your Details 

Name : 
Address : 

City :  Postcode : 
Country : 

Thanks for taking the time to fill in this form. Now send it to:

Made For KiDS
13 Ardmore Park
Northern Ireland

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