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Software for kids today
Why is support for kids so poor on the Amiga?

Typically, the standard of children's software on the Amiga was so poor that the market never really took off, and as a result, few people were prepared to sit and write quality children's programs.

However, the whole Amiga scene being what it is, numerous shareware and PD authors took it upon themselves to create software for their own children. These authors then, either as an act of kindness, or as a way to make a little money for their efforts released their programs as PD or shareware through some of the large PD distributors.

Through a combination of time and the increasing quality/power of applications this software has increased greatly in quality and variety, yet still uses the old channels of distribution.

As a result of there being no specific section on the Aminet for kids, few of these authors have felt it necessary to find ways of uploading their software to the Aminet.

Here is where this campaign comes in...


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