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  Site History

10/04/98  Contact Details uploaded to the Corporate Information Section including details of our new Phone Number.
04/04/98 New, original Story uploaded to the Kids' Stories section.
27/03/98 News Updated - Made For KiDS Stage Two Complete!!
Check out the details now!!
27/03/98 First Stories added to the kids' section.
All are original texts, some exclusive to this site!!
27/03/98 Many pages updated slightly, includes the introduction of new icons for easier navigation through the Software Directory!
27/03/98 Main page's format slightly rearranged.
26/03/98 News updated - Incorporation Proceedings complete!!
Mystique is now officially a limited company, registered in the UK. We hope that this will help us to bring you an even better service!!
26/03/98 Service section of site completely updated. Has been made a little more modular and a little larger to enable easier surfing of this invaluable section of the site!
26/03/98 CP Version 0.206 available for download. This is just a minor upgrade to iron out a few bugs while the main drive to convert the software into advanced C code is continuing.
Also uploaded is the updated Documentation for those who already have Version 0.205.
26/03/98 Forum updated. Also updated the layout of the main page of the kids' section in preparation for added pages and features!! (Watch this space!!)
26/03/98 Many bits and pieces of text, HTML and graphics updateded on the site for easier to understand wording and an improved layout.
19/03/98 Kids' Software Directory revamped with an even more effective layout.
14/03/98 CP Support Site finished!! Final pages added include Reviews of CP and the CP GuestBook.
14/03/98 Mystique GuestBook now available at this site!! Use it to add your comments on anything here at MystCorp!!
14/03/98 News Pages updated.
11/03/98 Updated Documentation uploaded for CP Version 0.205.
11/03/98 Several new pages added to the CP Support Site including a new Survey to help us create an even better product.
Also added was a section on Registering CP, a custom-madeOrderForm and information about CP support and comments was added to the EMail page.
11/03/98 Several pages in the Kids' Software Directory updated.
11/03/98 Small parts of the main page updated.
10/03/98 First sections of the CP Support Site updated - Features, Description, Downloads.
10/03/98 News Updated... New CP Support Site.
10/03/98 Updated several links in the Kids' Software Directory.
05/03/98 New style layout for the NEW CP SUPPORT SITE uploaded.
New text, screenshots and additional pages coming soon!!
05/03/98 Some images updated for more professional appearances!!
03/03/98 Kids' Main Page updated.
03/03/98 Kids' Software Directory format slightly improved.
27/02/98 Major update of the Kids' Software Directory complete!!
All efforts will now be turned towards uploading the software to the new folder on the Aminet - misc/kids!!
21/02/98 Next part in major update of the Kids' Software Directory complete!! (Basic software info uploaded for a number of titles)
18/02/98 First part in major update of the Kids' Software Directory complete!!
18/02/98 New title added to the Kids' Software List.
07/02/98 Latest News! - Haage&Partner supports Mystique!!

Previous history

Made For KiDS

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All comments on these pages to webmaster@mystcorp.u-net.com