System I-III - History

Background story
On an late 1990 summermorning I was visiting my new-found friend at his home. He's a big fan of adventuregames, and showed me an adventuregame called 'MonkeyIsland'. I was quite impressed, and we began discussing and comparing the different systems around.
System I
After this I went home and began coding on an adventure system. In short of any decent name, I called it AGS, short for 'Adventure Game System'. This was soon dropped to just 'System' along with the rest of it, and after a while 'System II' was started.
System II
I made the unfortunate choice of programming it in AMOS, Although it's a great language (I still use it to make the game editor), it's just to limited and buggy to make anything serious with. :(
Even so, I continued on 'System II', to make it perfect. But I started noticing a growing disapprovement from my graphic artist on my choice of programming language. I got less and less graphics, and eventually I had to terminate the 'System II' project.
Walker & Dune III
After this I made a 'Walker' clone in AMOS. Once again I found the limits of AMOS disturbing, and due to speed problems, it was scrapped at the end of '93.
Then, at the start of 1994, I started learning assembler language, and began coding on various routines to make life easier. At approximately the same time I started planning the structure of what was to become the 'System III' code.
After making the most basic routines, I (once again) noticed that I wasn't getting any graphics, so I started on a 'Dune II' clone instead. This was the first project in which I drew all the graphics myself. For this reason, and the fact that the game was to complicated, it was scraped. :)
System III
After this, I felt it was time to re-open the 'System III' project. I've worked on it for almost two years now. I still have some trouble getting the graphics, but it popps in occasionally.
If you want a more detailed story, take a look at the diary page, or if it's screenshots you're after, check out the screenshots page.
To read the various IRC and Email comments I've collected, check out the Feedback page. To get a glance at the specifications, jump to the Specs page.

System III v1.1

This is the current version.
Much has been added since the last demo. Only a few miscellaneous routines remain. (Yeah, right! :)

No screenshot available.

No screenshot available.

System III v1.0

This was the first SystemIII version. It was started slowly in late 1993. More detailed information available on the SystemIII Diary page. It was totally rewritten in assembly language. I've then added a lot of new features that would have been very difficult, and to slow, to do in AMOS (or Blitz :). The point of this was to make a fast and smooth adventure system. After seeing some Sierra(TM) games on the Amiga (those with the 10 minutes loadingtime between rooms from a harddrive), it didn't seem that hard to do a much faster system. :)
The first demo was based on this version.

SystemIII v1.0 pic 1 SystemIII v1.0 pic 2

System II v1.31

This was to be the last of the SystemII versions, and the last system programmed in AMOS(TM).
It was a very big system, but some thing just couldn't be resolved in AMOS(TM).
The SystemII project was teminated in 1993.

SystemII v1.31 pic 1 SystemII v1.31 pic 2

System II v1.3

This was the last of the 'big' versions, with some speedups and some new functions and commands. In this version we also added a head-icon in the dialogs, representing the character with whom you were speaking.

SystemII v1.3

System II v1.2

In this version we moved the inventory from a textlist on the screen, to it's own screen with icons.
The system was totally operational, and practically finished at this stage.

SystemII v1.2

System II v1.1b

This version was the first to incorperate a in-game programming language. It wasn't a very user-friendly language, as every command was made up of one character. There was a total of 25 commands.

SystemII v1.1b

System II v1.1a

Now we're getting somewhere! This version was really starting to look like a 'real' adventure game.

SystemII v1.1a

System II v1.0

This was the first in a long series of SystemII versions. As you might notice, I was inspired of Operation Stealth, and my graphician of SpaceQuest.

SystemII v1.0

System I v1.0

This was my very first try on an adventuregame system programmed in AMOS. It was made back in 1991.
As far as I can recall, I did it after I found out that my graphician had made an adventuresystem, which looked even worse than this one. Nice huh !?!?

SystemI v1.0 pic 1 SystemI v1.0 pic 2

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