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This page contains several virus code generators, a few mutation engines, over 500 virus source files and over 2,100 executable virus files. This material is being submitted for educational purposes only. Play at you own risk. But have fun!
The purpose of this page is not to inflame, but to educate, stimulate and confront you with alternative information on the sensitive issue of virus creation and propagation. The only way in which to know the whole of a subject, is by gaining knowledge from every variety of opinion on the subject, and studying all modes in which it can be looked at. Inform yourself by analyzing and studying the source code of actual viruses, read the virus writing & assembly language tutorials. Then consider and examine every variety of opinion on the subject; the anti-virus folks, mainstream society, and most importantly ideas and opinions that are considered radical, reactionary, minority or stigmatized by some other uncomplimentary label.
No wise person ever acquired wisdom in any other way...
A special note to those of you who would like to see an end to this page: If all humankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, humankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than it, if it had the power, would be justified in silencing humankind...
Use our message board to post any messages, comments, etc. You may leave messages or general questions. You may also post follow up messages to other messages. You may also use the message board for announcements, new sites, site changes, etc. Please do not post flames using the message board.
Virus code generators allows basically anyone to create virus code. Some of these generators are menu driven while others use a script file. Either way you can determine the type of file to attack (.com, .exe, .sys) and also determine other things, such the activation date and other goodies. Since, these are for educational purposes only , they will usually not generate any destructive code. Use your imagination, take a look at some of the virus tutorials or grab a few of the goodies :).
Once you have created or stolen the perfect virus. You might want to attach one of these mutation engines. They allow your virus to modify their signature as they replicate, etc. Again, for education purposes only
These are the goodies :). I have zipped all source files into file by their name. For instance all virus files beginning with the letter 'A' are stored in a file named SRCE_A.ZIP. You can also download each source file individually.
Some more goodies. :). I have zipped all source files into file by their name. For instance all virus files beginning with the letter 'A' are stored in a file named EXEC_A.ZIP. You can also download each executable file individually.
Just in case you don't have an assembler or for some odd reason don't want to assembly your own source. These scripts will create a virus file using MS-DOS Debug.Com. Simple, type DEBUG < scriptname.scr. Pretty simple, huh?
Here are some miscellaneous items not classified elsewhere.
Many of you have requested information on Assembly Language and where you can get an assembler. In response check out these sites.
Now that you've had a chance to view source code from some of the best virii writers, use some of the virus code generators and even learn assembly language. Now it's time to really learn how to write your own virus. Again, this material is taken from the best.
Here are some links to other virus related sources.
These are links to some of my peoples on the net. To, my peoples on lock-down, hurry up and get-out so your can get-on the net.
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