Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: Kryptonic Away 1.1
Format: Win OS
Description: Kryptonic Away is an AwaySystem addon that will basically allow you to use the simple away system functions, such as: A pager, A message logger (And a channel logger) and away nick/regular nick options. The documentation was VERY short. It only explains how to load the addon, but no information on how to navigate the dialog. New users like to know this type of information, especially if they have never used mIRC before. Upon loading the addon, I immediately tried to go away. Upon doing that, I go this error: * /amsg: not connected to server (line 130, k4.mrc). This illustrates what happens when you are not on a server and try to go away. If you are not on any channels, you get this error: . If you do not enter any information and try to go away, you will get this error: awayerror Unknown command. If you are not away and you try to come back, the addon will do this in a channel: I Am Back. Reason:() Time Gone:() / . I tried turning on the loggers, but they didn't work for me. I went away and ha
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