Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: Leetest text
Format: Win OS
Description: LeetestText is an addon that will allow you to speak in so-called 'elite' text in certain: scripting, hacker, etc.. channels where people make up words and characters that mean something (like: 31337 (elite)). Documentation was provided, and it was informative and to the point. It tells you a bit about the addon and how to get it loaded. It also gives some points on what certain features/aspects of the addon do, exactly. No complaints here. Not very long, though, so don't be expecting a *manual*. The so-called 'leetness' works mostly. It's pretty good at doing what it does. I had problems with it interferring with my theme system that I had. Just a note: Don't use this if you have a preloaded theme system on your mIRC session already. The coding is okay, for the most part. The author uses HALT where apparently he doesn't want any other addons interferring, so make sure that when you load this addon, you understand that no theming from other addons will occur, unless you reorder the script list
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