Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: PervScan 2.01
Format: Win OS
Description: PervScan is a profanity scanner which scans for inappropriate texts, nicks, idents, real name, and channels. The settings and preferences are neatly put in dialogs. The high points of the script include the idea of not having to zip up a bmp and ever having to worry about losing it by handling it in the script. Protected Channel option is great.. it seems like many scripts leave out the fact that some channels should be immune to your settings. There is a nice log window for the offenses, it allows the user to backtrack of the situation taken place. Allows the user to add/del inappropriate words instead of working by a fixed or "canned" listing and using wildcards. Questionable nick feature alerts the user when a word is being used in a nick. The word, at times it may or may not be profain. (This is nice, and took some thinking and consideration). There were only few minor faults that i could find. On join, when a violator is found, it tries to ban (or if enabled, send an /onotice) even when y
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