Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: Ports- Scan-Listen 1
Format: Win OS
Description: Addon which is used to scan ports on a remote host machine. Not sure what use could come of this, other than looking for holes in systems. I'm just going to assume it was used for finding holes in your OWN system for security reasons. I had trouble getting the port listener to work, so I'm afraid that I'll have to skip that one. It did not work for me when connection were opened on my ports, such as 598 and 21. Monitoring port 0 for UDP connections was a hassle as well. It didn't even report ports such as 59 that already existed in the list of ports being watched. The port scanner, on the other hand, did work, but not without error. It did not allow me to scan my UDP port 0, so there was a bit of a problem there. Saving a scan to a log file was implemented, nice job. The log file does get ugly when the scans get larger and larger. Perhaps think of adding a 'Date' to the top of the scan session when a scan is initiated? At the end of a scan, the addon seems to not know when to finish, leaving t
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