Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: ZeNeTh FileServ Helper 5
Format: Win OS
Description: Fileserver viewing script. Basically intercepts a fileserver connection and uses a dialog window to represent all the information while allowing you to easily perform commands through buttons instead of typing them all out. Quite a number of features, such as checking if you have a file already or not, different views of the dialog in question (compact, minimal, maximized, etc.) and so on ... Very nice documentation. The addon boasts of a readme file, a windows *.hlp format file and also some internal documentation/helping tips. The addon is easy to install, possessing an install.mrc file, etc. Once a fileserver window is established, it kicks in automatically. While most of the addon appears to work, I did run into a few errors. A lot of them are related to icon files, example: "* /dialog: 'zeneth-Config-Misc' invalid table, in 'icon' 40 (line 123, zen-exp4.mrc)". A major bug however, is the fact that the addon can't seem to very well process the filenames with spaces in them. It will only re
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