Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: Zmodems DALnet Auto-Identifier 1.5
Format: Win OS
Description: mIRC addon with dialog interface that keeps track of your nicks and your nickname password for DALnet. It will automatically identify if you are prompted for the password while using a nick that is on its list. The author included a nice readme file with setup instructions and a description of the various functions of the script. Installation is quick and clean. You can access the options of the script through the popup menus. The script seems to work for the most part. The dialogs are fairly obvious and the author also employed some error checking, but he could have added a bit more ... for example, currently, it's possible to add nicks with spaces. If you do, it won't even be possible to remove them easily afterwards. Some of the items for the dialog also seem to run a bit into each other. When changing from another window back to the dialog, you'll notice that certain edges of the dialog items will be blurred. The coding has been much improved. However, IMHO, a real nickname manager or even
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