How to Submit

    Every serious scene graphician, and I really mean everyone, tracer or not - whether using Amiga or PC, is very welcome to submit their articles.Here are the subjects which you can write about:
    the Scene and the graphical thoughts about it, party reports with the emphasis on graphics and wild demos, interviews with famous graphicians with technical information (what hardware/software they use, how they have done the difficult stuff, special techniques, some background, etc.), all kinds of tips and guides for beginners - if you are good at using Lightwave or 3D Studio or have discovered something special in Deluxe Paint or Brilliance, don't hesitate to write about it.All articles will be published on these pages with full credits.Feel free to include images illustrating some important aspects of your articles(screenshots, work in progress, etc.).Do not attach your articles, send them as e mails.Attached images for the articles should be in GIF format.
    If you are planning on submitting your artwork make sure that the aspect ratio of the image is no larger then 640*480 pixels if 3D(due to the limited HD space allocation on my ISP's server) and that it's saved in some of the following formats: GIF, 100%JPG(you can submit in other formats but they will be converted to GIF for thumbnails and JPG's for larger versions if 3D).Eventually you can point me to an ftp or your home page with the name of your image to download.If enough art contributions will be received, the charts will be created so everybody will be able to vote for their favourite graphician and image.

main - new stuff - gallery - gfx chart - database - guestbook - links - fun - contact me

GFX Zone was created and is being maintained by 3D Addict