scene - related jokes, quotes, etc.
      computer - and other funny stuff to read, quotes...
      The 10 DOS Commandments - well... check it out for your self :D
      coding stuff - find out how real coders are...
      world creation - a must read for all, especially by anti-GUI freaks and sysAdmin's
      add - your stuff too :)

Scene related stuff...

Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

An expert is one who knows more and more,
about less and less
until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.

    taken from Mahoney & Kaktus music discs

    Moonwalker left to join Beyond.

      from Eurocharts 18

    What is the meaning of life?

    I'm a scientist, and I refuse talk about things that I don't know anything about!

      said Kaktus to Zike during an interview.

    How can I get started in the scene?

    ........Tune in, turn on, get wired.

      taken from Hollywood's FAQ

    Do you ever have virtual dreams? :)

    "Cool guys don't dream.Cool guys can see their dream in the middle of the day."

      said Alien of Virtual Dreams to Hollywood during an interview

    Computer, quotes and other funny stuff

    A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by 
    turning the power off and on.
    Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: 
    "You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with
    no understanding of what is going wrong."
    Knight turned the machine off and on.
    The machine worked.

    taken from "jokes told at the MIT AI Lab"

      Introducing Windows'95

    It lets you drop files anywhere on the desktop... Imagine that!
    It has a trash you can open and take things back out of again... Imagine that!!
    It lets you use more than eight characters to name your files... Imagine that!!!

    taken from a Macintosh advert

    Imagine that CRAY decides to make a personal computer. It contains 16 600Mhz
    Alpha-based processors executing in parallel, has 512 megabytes of RAM, 4.5
    Gigabytes of disk storage, a holographic display with a resolution of
    4096x4096 pixels, an artificial intelligence OS, does 24-bit 3D graphics in
    realtime, relies entirely on voice recognition for input, fits in your shirt
    picket, and costs $300.

    What is the first question the computer community asks?

    "Is it DOS compatible?"

    by Joe F. Walenciak

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any
    invention in human history with the possible exceptions of
    handguns and tequila.

    by Mitch Ratliffe

    Intel inside... the worlds most widely used warning label.

      Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who
      understand what they do not manage, and those who manage
      what they do not understand.

      by ?

      No one is listening until you make a mistake.

      Murphy's Law

      Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.

      by Kulawiec

      The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at least until we've finished building it.

      by ?

      The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.

      by Theodore Roosevelt

      I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

      Albert Einstein

      1. I am thy DOS, thou shall have no OS before me, unless Bill Gates gets a
         cut of the profits therefrom.
      2. Thy DOS is a character based, single user, single tasking, standalone
         operating system. Thou shall not attempt to make DOS network,
         multitask, or display a graphical user interface, for that would be a
         gross hack.
      3. Thy hard disk shall never have more than 1024 sectors. You don't need
         that much space anyway.
      4. Thy application program and data shall all fit in 640K of RAM. After
         all, it's ten times what you had on a CP/M machine. Keep holy this 640K
         of RAM, and clutter it not with device drivers, memory managers, or
         other things that might make thy computer useful.
      5. Thou shall use the one true slash character to separate thy directory
         path. Thou shall learn and love this character, even though it appears
         on no typewriter keyboard, and is unfamiliar. Standardization on where
         that character is located on a computer keyboard is right out.
      6. Thou shall edit and shuffle the sacred lines of CONFIG.SYS and
         AUTOEXEC.BAT until DOS functions adequately for the likes of you.
         Giving up in disgust is not allowed. [ Oops, I have sinned. Kim ]
      7. Know in thy heart that DOS shall always maintain backward compatibility
         to the holy 2.0 version, blindly ignoring opportunities to become
         compatible with things created in the latter half of this century. But
         you can still run WordStar 1.0.
      8. Improve thy memory, for thou shall be required to remember that
         JD031792.LTR is the letter that you wrote to Jane Doe four years ago
         regarding the tax deductible contribution that you made to her
         organization. The IRS Auditor shall be impressed by thy memory as he
         stands over you demanding proof.
      9. Pick carefully the names of thy directories, for renaming them shall be
         mighty difficult. While you're at it, don't try to relocate branches of
         the directory tree, either.
     10. Learn well the Vulcan Nerve Pinch (ctrl-alt-del) for it shall be thy
         saviour on many an occasion. Believe in thy heart that everyone reboots
         their OS to solve problems that shouldn't occur in the first place.
    by eckman

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