Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts
Title: ProjectX Cool Texts 2
Format: Win OS
Description: Very nice addon allowing you to create dialog windows or picture windows that play *.txt files of your choice with various settings of your choice (such as font, size, colour, background colour, playing speed, window/dialog size, various styles of playing, etc.) by creating an actual remote file which you can then load and use to play the file in question. As usual, the documentation for the ProjectX team is impeccable so I won't waste any time commenting on that. The script is very easy to use, the main dialog interface available from the popup menus. The addon allows you to create, save, load and otherwise manage the little remote scripts that you create. I was most impressed by the colour palette (very nice idea, first time I've seen someone do that) that would allow you to chose the foreground and background colours. The only slightly irritating fact was that when you opened a dialog windows (such as for the colour palette or simply trying out your new remote file), the focus is not set to
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