readme anim irc


    tmk-java interview - special stuff:)
    Znorc interview - young and talented Danish tracer
    Interview with Visualize - a graphician from Finland
    Danny leaves the scene - find out why from the man himself..
    interview with Unreal - about Tribe, how it was done, by who, and a bit about Lazur
    interview with Sky - an irc interview with this cool graphician
    interview with Haplo - a french graphician, with special style
    interview with A.-t- - an Atari graphician... he is among the best scene pixellers
    interview with Tudor - one of the best scene tracers
    interview with Devilstar - one cool Danish graphician
    interview with Danny - I guess he dosen't need an introduction to who he is :)
    interview with Nero - german graphician with great potential
    interview with Prowler - one of the most original scene graphcian
    interview with Cyclone - the man who won M&S'97 gfx compo.
    interview with Made - one of the best, among scene graphicians.
    interview with Stripe - the mainorganizer of all The Party events.Will there be a TP'97?


    The disintegration of the old graphics scene - an article by Danny
    Art - Unreal's opinion about scene art
    3D and bitmaps - no art - This article should be read by every scene graphician
    Goblin's Pixelling Tutorial - a great tutorial for beginners.
    Deluxe Paint II enhanced key shortcuts - very usefull.Print this, and put on your wall.
    A Graphician's Tip Book - a very usefull series of articles about DPaint, PhotoS... ;)
    A Work of Art - a step by step guide to a "Creation of a Piece of Art"
    Easy tracing ? - is tracing easy or what !
    advise for 3D beginners - wanna do some killer traces - read on!
    submit - how to submit to GFXZ

    gfx reviews

    Gathering'97 GFX review - some of the best pics described


    #pixel irc log few hrs after - most hardcore scene graphicians read the Danny interview
    The Party'97 report - what happend at tp7?(with photos + unoffical results)
    Help Wanted - read this if you want to help
    irc compos - Yes, great, funny, short compos on irc for everyone ;)
    great 3D tips/hints - for Imagine, Lightwave, 3DS and 3DSMAX + 3D glossary
    great 2D tips/hints - for Photoshop v.3&4

main - new stuff - gallery - gfx chart - database - guestbook - links - fun - contact me