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This site was last updated on November 10,1997

Check out our Amazing Mall for AC Advertisers.

We are still under construction. Visit often and watch for changes!

Petro Tyschtschenko's Speech at the Midwest Amicon Exposition Speech delivered by Petro Tyschtschenko on Saturday, November 1, 1997, on the show floor of the Midwest Amicon Exposition in Columbus, Ohio


North American Amiga Computing Subscribers to be offered Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine After 117 issues, Amiga Computing closes and AC steps in with the permission of the publisher to offer North American Amiga Computing subscribers their remaining subs in Amazing issues.

September '97 On Sale 8/11/97

Amazing September '97- The Clones are here! MicroniK is the first licensee to offer cloned Amigas.

Web Pallet Graphic- The Web pallet graphic from Shamm Mortier's Web Article.

Amazing July '97

Gateway 2000 & Amiga International Press Conference- The London press conference (May 16, 1997) with Jim Taylor, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing for Gateway 2000, and Petro Tyschtschenko of Amiga International is now available on video. Discover what was really said in their speeches and in the question and answer session. The PIOS Press conference and question and answer session has also been included on this video at no extra charge.

London Developers' Conference on Video! - The London Developers' Conference (May 17, 1997) is available on tape. Get a real feel for what was said about and to Gateway 2000.

June '97 On Sale 5/12/97

Amazing June '97

Amazing Computing Back Issue List! - Need a Back issue of AC? Scan the list of the past 11 years and complete your library at a special price.

AC's TECH Back Issue List- AC's TECH is currently out of production, but back issues are still available. Here is your opportunity to find the article you have been looking for.

JOIN! SUBSCRIBE! - Amazing Computing has provided solid, responsible, and truthful reporting to the Amiga community for over eleven years! AC has no inside deals with advertisers, no hidden agendas, and no axe to grind. AC believes in the Amiga and its users. We believe the best way to effect change and growth in the Amiga community is through information and AC has provided unparalleled coverage to the Amiga Community. Amazing Computing only exists through your continued support. Subscribe today and support the world's first monthly Amiga publication.

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Foreign: $44.00

12 monthly issues of Amazing Computing/Amiga & 2 AC's GUIDES* U.S.: $37.00 US
Canada & Mexico: $54.00 US
Foreign: $64.00
*Although we have not stopped production of the Guide,
the next press date is currently unavailable.

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or FAX our secure FAX location at 508 675 6002. Foreign callers can contact AC at 1-508 678 4200. Or send check, money order, or credit card information to: PiM Publications Inc. P.O. Box 9490 Fall River, MA 02720-0009

JOIN! ADVERTISE! - Amazing Computing/Amiga is the only audited, newsstand publication in North America. Want to reach the largest number of Amiga users in North America? Advertise in Amazing Computing/Amiga. AC has created special rates to keep everyone in the Amiga marketplace. Just dial 1-800-345-3360 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00PM ESDT and AC will assist you in getting your message to the widest possible Amiga audience in North America (and even overseas). You can also contact AC at 508 678 4200 or FAX at 508 675 6002.

Please Pardon the Dust!

We will be working on this site over the next few weeks (and months) putting up stories, adding features, and generally fiddling with it until we know it is the best information site for any platform. Please stop by often and email DonHicks@aol.com with any notions, suggestions, and criticisms you may have. But, meanwhile, watch your head!

Available Soon!Midwest Amiga Exposition The Midwest Amiga Exposition was a success. Check out the news and link to a vendor from the show!

1997 PiM Publications Inc.